Following IceMan in November the next three events will be as follows...
MudMan: Camberley, December
WildMan: Hankley Common, January 2010
TuffMan: Pippingford Park, East Sussex in February
Each venue will host both a mountain bike duathlon and a trail run, so there is something for everyone and each event can be tackled individually or as part of a 2-3 person relay team. The terrain at all locations is very hilly, muddy and extremely challenging.
The events attract a wide range of athletes - from runners looking for something different to triathletes, weekend warriors and mountain bike experts - all in search of a tough winter challenge. Mountain bikes and trail running shoes are essential.
Athletes who enter all four races will receive a Merrell jacket from the Autumn/Winter 2009 range and there are goodie bags for all competitors in each race.
Entry costs £20 for the run, £43 for the duathlon and £53 for the relay duathlon.
For more information and to enter online go to